Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Open Solaris Day

Open Solaris day was celebrated on 18th August. Mr.Ananth Shrinivas and Mr.Pratap Devaraj from Sun MicroSystems handled the sessions. A day before OpenSolaris day, there was a small discussion about solaris. In that discussion they covered topics such as History of OpenSolaris, some important unique features of Solaris.It was just some basics and helped to understand what it is. It lasted for an hour and then the demo started at PP Lab. There we were introduced a bit detail about ZFS(128 bit File System) and DTrace(Dynamic Trace). They were really amazing. There was a disussion about how to promote solaris and in which labs it can be used. It can be used in operating system lab, System Software lab and for labs based on Java. Then we got Solaris in our machines. GUI looks cooool really. I tried some commands in it.:). On Open Solaris Day, first session starts with introduction and history which is not more technichal. Later sessions gave a technichal feast which explains all the technologies in Solaris. Evening session explains the difference between GPL and CDDL.But what irked me the most is comparison between Solaris and GNU/Linux. I would be very satisfied if that topic is avoided because the OpenSolaris Day itself has been celebrated by GLUGOT and GLUG-Madurai. Apart from that it has lot of informations,great technologies covered by great people.

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